Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger |
Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger is an Israeli-French artist, psychoanalyst and feminist theorist, who was born in Tel Aviv and is currently working in Paris. She received her Ph.D. in Aesthetics of Art from the University of Paris VIII, a D.E.A. in Psychoanalysis from the University of Paris VII, and an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her paintings have been exhibited extensively internationally in major museums of contemporary art, and can be found in public collections. She is the author and coauthor of several books and numerous essays.
[Note: These books are available at BLE Atelier, Fax 0033145816509.]
What Would Euridyce Say? (co-authored with Emmanuel Levinas) (bilingual French and English) BLE Atelier, 1997.
The Matrixial Gaze. Feminist Arts and Histories Network: - Fine Arts, Leeds Univ., 1995.
Matrix: A Shift Beyond the Phallus. BLE Atelier, 1993. (limited edition, can be consulted at the Tate Gallery Library, London; The Israel Museum Library, Jerusalem; The Biblioteque Nationale, Paris)
Time is the Breath of the Spirit. (co-authored with Emmanuel Levinas) Museum of Modern Art. Oxford, 1993.
A Threshold Where We Are Afraid. (co-authored with Edmund Jabès) Museum of Modern Art. Oxford, 1993.
Matrix * Halal(a) -- Lapsus, Notes on Painting. Museum of Modern Art. Oxford, 1993.
Matrix - Cas limite. BLE Atelier, 1993. (limited edition, available at the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris)
Matrix et le Voyage a Jerusalem de C.B. (bilingual French and Hebrew) 1990.
"Traumatic Wit(h)ness-Thing and Matrixial Co/in-habit(u)ating." In: Practices of Procrastination, Parallax No. 10, Francis & Taylor, 1999.
"Working Notes Towards Transcryptum." In : 3T - Tidsskrift for Teori og Teater No. 9, Bergen, 1998.
"Trauma and Beauty," in Resling No. 5 (1998). (In Hebrew). Also in: Barca n.11 (French), 1998; and in: n. paradoxa n.3 (English), 1999.
"Matrixial Gaze and Screen." (Symposium, Van Leer Institute, 1995). In Studio Art Journal No. 99, Tel Aviv (in Hebrew).
"Beauty and Wound. Trans-subjectivity in Art / Beauté et blessure. Trans-subjectivité en art," in Art et Clinique. MAC, Galeries contemporaines des Musées de Marseille (15/3/1988). (Paris: BLE Atelier, 1998 and Marseille: MAC, 1998).
"Wit(h)nessing Trauma and the Gaze," in The Fascinating Face of Flanders. Ed. P. Vandenbroeck and B. Vanderlinden. (Stad Antwerpen, 1998).
"Transgressing with-in-to the feminine," in Leonardo's Glimlach. Ed. C. Van Damme and F. Vandepitte. (Gent: Academia Press, 1998).
"Supplementary Jouissance," in The Almanac of Psychoanalysis. Ed. R. Golan. (Tel Aviv: GIEP, 1998).
"Que dirait Eurydice?" (co-authored with Emmanuel Levinas) Barca! No. 8 (1997).
"The 'Heimliche': Home-affect and Co/in-habit(u)ation," in Suspension. Ed. J. Crandall and K. Easterling. (Documenta X, Kassel and Schellmann, 1997).
"Le 'Heimliche'. Affect 'chez-soi' et co-habit(u)ation matrixielle." Verso No. 8 (1997).
"Feminine / Prenatal Weaving in Subjectivity as Encounter." Psychoanalytic Dialogues 7 (1997).
"Trans-Subjective, Transferential Borderspace," in Deleuze, Guattari and the Philosophy of Expression -- Special issue of the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature. Ed. Brian Massumi. 24 (1997):
"Transference, or What is Left of It," (conversation with Felix Guattari in 1989) in Doctor and Patient. Ed. Marketta Seppala. Pori Art Museum Publications, . Reprinted as "From Transference to the Aesthetic Paradigme," in Deleuze, Guattari and the Philosophy of Expression -- Special issue of the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature. Ed. Brian Massumi. 24 (1997):
"The Red Cow Effect." Beautiful Translations. Act 2 (1996).
"The With-In-Visible Screen," in Inside the Visible. Ed. C. de Zegher. (MIT Press, 1996).
"Metramorphic Borderlinks and Matrixial Borderspace," in Rethinking Borders. Ed. J. Welchman. (Macmillan, 1996).
"Woman as Objet a Between Phantasy and Art." Complexity: Journal of Philosophy and Visual Arts No. 6 (1995).
"The Almost-Missed Encounters as erotisized ariels of the Psyche." Third Text Nos. 28-29 (1994).
"The Becoming Threshold of Matrixial Borderlines," in Travellers' Tales. Ed. Robertson et al. (Routledge, 1994).
"Un monde sans moi (Le temps est le souffle de l'esprit), Emmanuel levinas en conversation avec Brach Lichtenberg-Ettinger." Athanor No. 5 (1994).
"Halal(a) -- Lapsus, Carnet 1989-1992." Athanor No. 5 (1994).
"Introduction to the Matrix." Women's Art Magazine 56 (1994).
"Poétique du nomadisme, Edmond Jabès en conversations avec Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger." Athanor No. 4 (1993).
"On the matrix, on Feminine Sexuality and One or Two Things I wanted to say about Dora." Sihot-Dialogue. Israeli Journal of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 7 (1993). (in Hebrew)
"Texts from Notebooks and Photos." Alpayim 7 (1993). (in Hebrew)
"Woman-Other-Thing: a Matrixial Touch," in the catalogue Matrix - Borderlines. (Oxford: MOMA, 1993).
"In Praise of the Phallus and the Matrix." Studio Art Magazine 32(1992). (in Hebrew)
"The Heritage of Memory and Double Identity." (conversation between Christian Boltanski and Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger) Studio Art Magazine 29 (1992). (in Hebrew)
"Matrix and Metramorphosis." differences 4:3 (1992).
"Matrix -- Carnets 1985-1989 (fragments)," in Chimères (no. 16). Ed. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. (Paris, 1992).
"Verbal Hallucinations in Psychotic Patients." Israel Journal of Psychiatry 28 (1991).
"This is the Desert, Nothing Strikes Root Here," (conversation between Edmond Jabès and Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger) in the catalogue Routes of Wandering. (Jerusalem: The israel Museum, 1991).
"The Woman doesn't Exist and doesn't Signify anything," in the catalogue Feminine Presence. (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1990). (in Hebrew)
"The Silence of the Desert is Memory." (conversation between Edmond Jabès and Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger) Studio Art Magazine 17 (1990). (in Hebrew)
"Un seuil où l'on a peur." (a 1990 conversation between Edmond Jabès and Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger) Les Cahiers des Regards (1993).
"Interview," with Christian Boltanski, in the catalogue Lessons of Darkness. (Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, 1989).
"Introduction to the Study of the Writings of J. Lacan, and to the Issue of 'Who is an Analyst'." Sihot-Dialogue. Israeli Journal of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Hebrew) Vol. 3&4 (1989, 1990).
Agassi, Meir. "Bracha Lichtenber-Ettinger, Matrix-Borderline, MOMA Oxford." Studio 64 (1994). (in Hebrew)
Alvaro, Egidio, "Les traces du territoire absent", catalogue Bracha Ettinger, Diagonale (Paris, 1984).
Barrière, Gérard. "La cérémonie de la perte du centre." New Art International 2-3 (1990).
Bourriaud, Nicolas. "Cours de géographie pour oiseaux migrateurs", catalogue Bracha Ettinger, Musée des beaux-arts, Calais (1988).
Buci-Glucksmann, Christine. "Eurydice et les scènes de la peinture." Verso No. 8 (1997).
Buci-Glucksmann, Christine. "The Eurydices." Parallax Parallax No.10 (1999).
Buci-Glucksmann, Christine. "Images d'absence." Les Cahiers des Regards (1993).
Buci-Glucksmann, Christine. "Images of Absence in the Inner Space of Painting," in Inside the Visible. Ed. C. De Zegher. (MIT Press, 1996).
Buci-Glucksmann, Christine. "Inner Space of Painting," in Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger: Halala -- Autistwork. (The Israel Museum, 1995).
Buci-Glucksmann, Christine. "L'oeil nomade et critique," in L'oeil cartographique de l'art. (Galilée, 1996).
Chalumeau, Jean-Luc. L'art au présent. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1986.
Chalumeau, Jean-Luc. "Où est la peinture de l'Histoire du XXe siècle?" Verso 5 (1997).
Cibulski,Dana M. "Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger." Art Papers 21 (1997).
Dagbert, Anne. "Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger." (Interview) Art Press No. 176 (1993).
Dagbert, Anne. "On Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger." Artforum (Sept 1997).
Debailleux, Henri-François. "Ettinger, Combinaisons Borderline." (Interview) Libération 16/II (1993).
Denizot, Renè. in catalogue Métramorphose (Centre Reginal Art Present, St. Raphaël, 1991).
Ducker, Carolyn. "Translating the Matrix." Versus No. 3 (1994).
Francblin, Catherine. "B.L.E. au Boethe Institut." Art Press 145 (1990).
Garb, Tamar. "Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger at the Museum of Modern Art." Art in America (Apr 1994).
Gattinoni, Christian. "Pour une hystérization des images." Art et Thérapie 52-53 (1995).
Hubl, Michael. "Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger." Kuntsforum No. 121 (1993): 446-447.
Huhn, Rosi. "Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger," in Kunst in Paris. Ed. Hans-Peter Schwerfel. (Köln: Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1990).
Huhn, Rosi. "Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger: Aliénation et Exclusion," in Féminisme, Art et Histoire de l'Art. Ed. Yves Michaux. (Paris: École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, 1994).
Huhn, Rosi. Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger et la folie de la raison / Wahnsinn der Vernunft. (Goethe Institut, 1990).
Huhn, Rosi. "Das Problem der Entsorgung in Kunst und Kulture als Passage zum Positivan Barbarentum," in Passages [d'après] Walter Benjamin. (Verlag Herman Schmidt, 1992).
Huhn, Rosi. "L'image de cas-limites, autoportraits." (catalogue for Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism) (Le Nouveau Musée, 1992).
Huhn, Rosi. "Moving Omissions and Hollow Spots into the Field of Vision," in Matrix Borderlines. (Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 1993).
Huhn, Rosi. "The Passage to the Other: Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger's Aesthetic Concept of Matrix and Metramorphosis," in Denkräum. Ed. Silvia Baumgart. (Reimer, 1993).
Huhn, Rosi "Spuren der Erinnerung als Struktur von Gewalt." Kunstforum n°95 (1988).
Huhn, Rosi. "Stabat Mater Matrix." Studio Art Magazine 32 (1992). (in Hebrew)
Izra-el, Myriam. "Painting the Lack." Yerushalaim 26 (1995). (in Hebrew)
Knudsen, Ingunn and Maurseth, Anne Beate, "Kunst etter Auschwitz." Morgenbladet-Kulturavisenm No. 178/23 (Norway, 13/7/97).
Lebert, Muriel, in catalogue Métramorphose. (St. Raphael: Centre Reginal Art Present, 1991).
Le Nouëne, Patrick, "Metaphorikos", catalogue Bracha Ettinger. (Calais: Musée des beaux-arts, 1988).
Lyotard, Jean-François. "Anamnesis of the Visible" Studio No. 99, Tel Aviv (Hebrew) (1998).
Lyotard, Jean-François. "Diffracted Traces," in Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger: Halala -- Autistwork. (The Israel Museum, 1995).
Lyotard, Jean-François. "L'anamnèse," in Doctor and Patient. (Pori Art Museum, 1997).
Lyotard, Jean-François. "The Memory of the Holocaust as Anamnesis." Masuah 25 (1997). (in Hebrew)
Massumi, Brian. "Introduction." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (special edition on Deleuze, Guattari and the Philosophy of Expression) 24 (1997).
Matzkel, Yehudith and Hadara Scheflan. Oh Mama. (Ramat Gan: The Museum of Israeli Art, 1997).
Moscovitz, Jean-Jacques. "Un lieu autre sans sa mêmeté", in catalogue Métramorphose. (St. Raphaël: Centre Reginal Art Present, 1991).
Nixon, Mignon. After Image No. 83 (October 1998).
Pleynet, Marcelin, "Encore en Corps", catalogue Bracha Ettinger. (Calais: Musée des beaux-arts, 1988).
Pollock, Griselda. "Abandoned at the Mouth of Hell," in Doctor and Patient. (Pori Art Museum, 1997).
Pollock, Griselda. "After the Reapers," in Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger: Halala-Autistwork. (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1995).
Pollock, Griselda. "Gleaning in Hisotry," in Generations and Geographies of the Visual Arts. Ed. Griselda Pollock. (Routledge, 1996).
Pollock, Griselda. "Inscriptions in the Feminine," and "Introduction to The With-In-Visible Screen," in Inside the Visible. Ed. C. De Zegher. (MIT Press, 1996).
Pollock, Griselda. "La peinture comme un coup d'oeil en arrière qui ne tue pas." Verso No. 8 (1997).
Pollock, Griselda. "Oeuvres Autistes." Versus No. 3 (1994)
Pollock, Griselda. "Painting as Backward Look that Doesn't Keel." Hella Robay Memorial Lecture, Guggenheim Museum, New York (Jul 21, 1997). (+ video)
Pollock, Griselda. "Rencontre avec l'histoire: stratégies de dissonance dans les années 1980s-90s," in Face à l'Histoire. (Centre G. Pompidou, 1996).
Pollock, Griselda. "To Inscribe in the Feminine: A Kristevan Impossibility? or Femininity, Melancholy and Sublimation." Parallax No.8 (1998).
Rifkin, Adrien. "Face à l'Histoire. Centre Pompidou." Artforum (Apr 1997): 86.
Romare, Kristian. "Inside the Visible." Artefactum 53 (1994).
Samokhvalov, Viktor P. "The Palimpsest in the Scriptorium," in Doctor and Patient. (Pori Art Museum, 1997).
Schmetterling, Astrid. "Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger." Art Monthly 168 (1993).
Seppala, Marketta. "Memory and Amnesia," in Doctor and Patient. (Pori Art Museum, 1997).
Shapira, S. (catalogue for Routes of Wandering). (The Israel Museum, 1992).
Strasser, Catherine. "Album de famille - Moyens de transports, un parcours," catalogue Bracha Ettinger. (Calais: Musée des beaux-arts, 1988).
Tourkina, Olessia and Viktor Mazin. "Introduction to the Problematics," in Doctor and Patient. (Pori Art Museum, 1997).
Weinzaepflen, Catherine. "Code", catalogue Bracha Ettinger. (Calais: Musée des beaux-arts, 1988).
Weinzaepflen, Catherine. "Les mots du silence." Aires 3 (St.-Etienne, 1986).
Weinzaepflen, Catherine. "Bracha Ettinger: Une peinture de l'intérieur." Art Press n°82 (1984).
Weinzaepflen, Catherine. "Quand on met le pied sur une étoile", catalogue Bracha Ettinger (Paris: Diagonale, 1984).
Weinzaepflen, Catherine. "Malerei des Inneren", catalogue Neu Kunst in der Philarmonie. (Berlin, 1983).
Pori Art Museum. Finland, 1996.
Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1995.
The Leeds Metropolitan University Gallery. England, 1994.
Kanaal Art Fondation. Belgium, 1994.
Museum of Modern Art. Oxford, 1993.
Russian Museum of Ethnography. St. Petersbourg, 1993.
Galerie d'Art Contemporain. Herblay, 1993.
Nouveau Musée. Villeurbanne, 1992.
Goethe Institut. Paris, 1990.
Muséede Calais. Calais, 1988.
Moltkerei, Cologne, 1987.
Documenta X. Kassel, 1997.
Kabinet. Stedelijk Museum, 1997.
Body. Art of Gallery of New South Wales, 1997.
Oh Mama. Ramat Gan Museum of Israeli Art, 1997.
Face à l'Histoire. Centre G. Pompidou, 1996-97.
Inside the Visible. ICA Boston, 1996.
National Museum for Women in the Arts. Washington, DC, 1996.
Whitechapel. London, 1996.
Art Gallery of Western Australia. Perth, 1997.
Routes of Wandering. Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1992.
Israeli Art Now. Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1991.
Feminine Presence. Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 1990.
Emergence. Entrepôt Lainé, Bordeaux, 1985.
"Re- in/de -fuse" is multimedia project which sets passages from Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger's essay of the same title between images from her artistic production. The essay was delivered at the 1996 College Art Association annual conference in a panel entitled "Inside the Visible" lead by British art historian Griselda Pollack. You can access this here.
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