The Chantal Chawaf Newsletter, Volume I, Number 1 (Spring 1997)
The Dictionnaire Litteraire Des Femmes De Langue Française, edited by Christiane P. Makward and Madeleine Cottenet-Haige, is now available from Editions Khartala. This reference guide contains over 1000 entries, with 200 articles, including an article on Chantal Chawaf. For more information, please contact Editions Khartala, 22 Blvd Arago, 75013 Paris, France. Their fax number is 45-35-27-05. The Dictionnaire Litteraire Des Femmes De Langue Française costs 190FF plus postage and its ISBN is 2-86537-676-1.
Monique Saigal has published a paper entitled, "Comment peut-on creer un nouveau langage feminin aujourd'hui?" in Thirty Voices in the Feminine, edited by Michelle Bishop.
Two papers on the work of Chantal Chawaf were presented at the "French Feminism Across the Disciplines" Conference at Texas Tech University (USA) in January 1997. Beth Droppleman (University of Florida, Gainesville) presented, "Exposing Norms: Chawaf's Unruly Écriture Feminine." Kristin Switala (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) presented, "Cixous and Chawaf: Moving Away from Philosophical Ethics Towards Philosomy." Both papers were well received.
Christiane P. Makward and Jo Searles are currently translating Chawaf's novel, Fées de Toujours, into English as Fairies Forever. A 1998 publication date is expected.
Monique Fleury Nagem's translations of Rétable-La Revêrie and Redemption are available by contacting the following publishers. For the translation of Rétable as Mother Love / Mother Earth, contact Garland Publishing at 1-800-627-6273. For Redemption contact Dalkey Archive Press at 309-438-7555.
Christiane P. Makward and Judith G. Miller's translation of Chawaf's play, Chair chaude, into English as "Warmth: A Bloodsong," is available as part of an anthology, Plays by French and Francophone Women, edited by Christiane P. Makward and Judith G. Miller from The University of Michigan Press.
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